Written by Sam McGeown on 16/9/2016
Published under VMware
I ran into a strange one with my lab today where the previously working VSAN cluster couldn’t be enabled. Symptoms included: The button to enable VSAN was missing from vSphere Web Client vsphere_client_virgo.log had the following error: [2016-09-16T14:49:03.473Z] [ERROR] http-bio-9090-exec-18 70001918 100023 200008 com.vmware.vise.data.query.impl.DataServiceImpl Error occurred while executing query: QuerySpec QueryName: dam-auto-generated: ConfigureVsanActionResolver:dr-57 ResourceSpec Constraint: ObjectIdentityConstraint TargetType: ClusterComputeResource Target: ManagedObjectReference: type = ClusterComputeResource, value = domain-c481, serverGuid = a44e7d15-e63f-46c2-a1aa-b9b1cbf972be I was able to enable VSAN on the cluster using rvc commands
Written by Sam McGeown on 2/4/2015
Published under VMware
I tested vSphere 6 quite intensively when it was in beta, but I didn’t ever upgrade my lab – basically because I need a stable environment to work on and I wasn’t sure that I could maintain that with the beta. Now 6 has been GA a while and I have a little bit of time, I have begun the lab upgrade process. You can see a bit more about my lab hardware over on my lab page.