
Written by Sam McGeown on 13/12/2021
Published under Cloud-Native and VMware
In my previous post I walked through configuring kubernetes ingress with automatically generated SSL certificates and DNS registration using Tanzu Kubernetes Grid’s Packages. Another of the packaged applications available is Fluent-bit, which enables log forwarding from your Kubernetes cluster and workloads to a range of supported logging endpoints. There are a couple of tweaks required in order to forward logs to vRealize Automation Log Insight Cloud. We need to use the HTTP output in the Fluent Bit configuration to forward the logs as a JSON payload to the Log Insight API.
Written by Sam McGeown on 9/12/2021
Published under Cloud-Native and VMware
So, you’ve set up your shiny new Workload Management on vSphere, created a Namespace and deployed a cluster…now what?! When you deploy a workload cluster from Workload Management on vSphere 7, it comes with basic functionality, but in order to start running workloads you will inevitably need to install additional tools. That’s where Tanzu’s Packages come into play. Tanzu’s User Managed Packages are based on a project called Carvel which:
Written by Sam McGeown on 7/10/2020
Published under Cloud-Native and VMware
As more services go live on my Kubernetes clusters and more people start relying on them, I get nervous. For the most part, I try and keep my applications and configurations stateless - relying on ConfigMaps for example to store application configuration. This means with a handful of YAML files in my Git repository I can restore everything to working order. Sometimes though, there’s no choice but to use a PersistentVolume to provide some data persistance where you can’t capture it in a config file.